Monday, May 16, 2011

Happy Birthday to mum, bro n myself n Happy Mother's Day.. ^_^

Setiap thn pd 15th May aku sentiasa bertambah2 muda...hahaha...awet muda kunu org bilang.. :p w/bagaimn pun syukur alhamdulillah aku msh lg bernafas di atas muka bumi ini n masih lg berpeluang utk menikmati keindahan alam ciptaan-NYA..subahannallah...

Ok lets back to birthday2 story.. ;) birthday for this year was a memorable one..sbb dpt byk hadiah n kena blnja, the event is at Atmosphere Restaurant, YS..2nd time aku lunch dkt cni..1st tym secretarial teda suda mkn2 for secretarial day..huhu...time nie jg bukan birthday aku ja yg kena celeb tp birthday my mama n my abg also..then combined with mother's day, im wishing my mum n bro a very happy birthday n many returns..semoga dipjgkn umur n sentiasa dimurahkan rezeki..luv u both..xoxo..happy mother's day also to mama...i luv u so much..muuuaaahhhh.....

ow iya, thanks to kak liza for the gift n blnja mkn.. ;) thnks also to mama, bro, mi corazon, ekin, kak anna for the lovely gifts... ;)

Di tempat yg berlainan tp event yg sm BF cha2 n santie surprised me with thier mango cake..ngam lg aku tym tu mamai2 sbb nda cukup tdo..nasib ok jg muka time tu..hehe..nywy, thnx my friends (cha2 n santie) for the cake...for santie thnx for the cupcakes n gifts...really appreciated it...psst..tu cupcake sedap..hehe..sharing a few photos during the day...enjoice..!!

so yummy this cake..
mum, bro n me cutting the cake

my mum(right) n my bro mum-in-law(left)

with my sis-in-law's family..

my mum n sis-in-law..

lotsa luvvvv...

we are family...but missing my lil' bro..not in pic..

present from mi corazon, mum, bro, sis-in-law n ekin..just love it so much... ^_^

1st time kna baked cupcakes..all this while sllu baked for others sja..thnks my fren..really appreciated it.. ^_^

gifts from santie..tq fren.. ^_^

amin...again,tq so much fren.. ^_^

gift from kak anna.. ^_^

Last but not least, thnks again for made my day..luv u guys so much..muuuaaaahhh...huggsss...xoxo.. ^_^

Friday, May 6, 2011

Updating again..

Lamanya sdh nda blogging..byk jg sdh cite yg nda t'updated nie..teda ms bah mo update blog kunu..( padahal pemalas bah c miming nie mo update blog..klu main game d fb rajin pla ia..hehe.. :p ) klu mo kumpul or recall suma yg past2 mmg byk so will update yg latest2 ckit la..oww ya..haven't talk bout my 1st photoshoot pla..trip2 jd model...hehe..1st time wat outdoor photoshoot mmg best...da jg experience menjadi model kunu...hahahaha....later la will update to go..c ya..huuggsss...