Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Final result..

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim...tula ucapan aku sebelum buka lms oum utk check result for final exam last few months..fuhh...syukur alhamdulillah..aku lulus sdh...hehe...aku rs hepi betul..4 thn mmg 1 jangka ms yg agak lm jg..tp akhirnya aku completed my study...mmg byk betul dugaan sepanjang tempoh nie...tp syukurla aku dpt jg kasi hbs studyku...hepinya aku....yaahhhooooo......!!!!! congratulation jg to my course mate mui chen, azah n elaine..we made it gals...we are going to wear those robe n the topi with the scroll in hand n the flowers..hehe...it's time to get ready with the dress n everything..mo prepare awal kunu..so excited...yeeeppiii....!!!! ^_^

p/s : Di mn ada ke mahuan di situ ada jalan..org bilang hendak seribu daya, tak hendak seribu dalih..jd renung2kanla n selamat beramal..hehe..


  1. memandangkan sudah pass ni aku pun nak ucapkan congr8s la. jadi bila la mau belanja ni? hemo hemo hemo

  2. aiks...nie sdh terbalik...bkn org yg sdh pass ptt kna blnja ka..?hehe.. :p
